Rules of procedure


The Academy of Music and Theatre, Prince Rainier III Foundation - Conservatoire de la Ville de Monaco (hereinafter referred to as the "Rainier III Academy") is dedicated to the teaching of music and theatre. Its essential aim is to train complete artists through a rich and demanding curriculum, but also through more specific activities enabling them to work alongside artists and/or take part in performances.

The purpose of these rules is to ensure that the school's organization is in line with its mission.

They are communicated to all users of the Académie Rainier III, and can also be consulted on posters and on the "" website.

They are given to students on enrolment and appear in the correspondence book.


Article 1

1) The Administrative Commission

2) The Sub-Commission

3) The Internal Pedagogical Council

The composition and missions of the Administrative Commission and the Sub-Commission are defined in Ministerial Decree n°2002-68 of January 22nd 2002 concerning the organization and functioning of the Academy of Music, Prince Rainier III Foundation.

The Internal Pedagogical Council, convened by the Director of the Académie Rainier III, may be informed or consulted on all matters of a pedagogical, administrative or internal nature.

The Director may convene any member of the Administrative Commission to meetings of the Internal Pedagogical Council, whose presence he or she deems useful, with prior reference to the Chairman of this Commission.

The Internal Pedagogical Council is composed of :

- the Director of the Academy ;

- the Deputy Director ;

- the Head of Studies

- departmental coordinators (keyboards, winds, strings, piano accompaniment, theater, lutherie, polyphonic, FM, collective and jazz/MAA disciplines, MIMS), appointed at the beginning of each school year;

- the administrative team.

The secretariat of the Internal Pedagogical Council is provided by the Académie Rainier III.


Article 2

The Director exercises his authority over all staff and students of the Rainier III Academy.

The Director takes and implements the measures required to achieve the objectives he himself has set in the school project, which defines the major orientations of the Académie Rainier III over a five-year period, and in the pedagogical regulations of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication.

It supervises and monitors teaching in the various classes, and sets timetables and dates for examinations and competitions.

He convenes the Internal Pedagogical Council to seek its advice on all matters of a pedagogical, administrative or internal nature.

The Director is responsible for maintaining order and discipline.

Article 3

The Mayor and the Communal Council shall inform the Department of the Interior of any inspection of the Académie Rainier III. This initiative may also be taken by the Director, who will request it from the Mayor. In any case, a general inspection takes place when the competent authorities so wish.

The Inspector will send a report to the Mayor, who will inform the Administrative Commission.


Article 4

The teaching staff is composed of :

- Teachers ;

- Specialized assistants and assistants ;

- Orchestra musicians.

They report to the Director for pedagogical and administrative tasks, and to the Assistant Director for administrative follow-up.

Article 5

In the first days of the new school year, tenured and contract teaching staff shall appoint two delegates by secret ballot and majority vote. All teachers and specialized assistants who apply in writing at least three (3) working days before the election are considered candidates.

The term of office of a delegate, which may be renewed, is limited to the school year.

Delegates are the link between management and teachers for all matters other than pedagogical issues. Their role is consultative.

Article 6

Teachers and specialized assistants are recruited following a competitive examination whose jury is composed as follows:

- The Conseiller Communal délégué à l'Académie or his deputy, Chairman (with casting vote) ;

- A member of the Sub-Commission;

- The Secretary General of the Town Hall, or his deputy

- The Director ;

- An active teacher specializing in the subject and not practicing in the Principality;

- The Head of Studies.

A second expert in the field may also be called upon.

A teacher delegate may attend the competition in an advisory capacity.

The competition will include a pedagogical test and one or more technical tests, as well as an interview with the jury.

The jury's proposals are submitted to the Local Council for approval.

Article 7

Teachers must be fully committed to their teaching mission. They are responsible for maintaining order in their classes. To this end, they must respect the timetable, which they may not alter without the Director's authorization.

As in all educational establishments, they may not receive unauthorized visitors, nor absent themselves from class.

The following situations may give rise to a request for a course postponement:

- For full-time teachers :

- participation in external juries ;

- concerts ;

- exceptional circumstances (e.g. artistic invitation to a Master Class, family reasons).

- For part-time teachers :

- activity related to the main function ;

- participation on examination boards in other establishments ;

- concerts ;

- orchestra service or tour for tenured musicians in an orchestra;

- exceptional cases (e.g. artistic invitation to a Master Class, family reasons).

Any request to postpone a course is exceptional and must be submitted to the Director for authorization at least eight (8) days in advance. No postponement will be granted for personal reasons.

Classes with special timetables cannot be postponed to a date other than that scheduled in the student's school timetable, and must therefore be replaced.

In the event of absence, all members of the teaching staff must notify the management before 8 a.m.

Article 8

Teachers are obliged, at the request of the Director, to lend their assistance as members of a jury and to take part in school activities (concerts, auditions).

They are forbidden to present a pupil for an examination or competition other than those of the Académie Rainier III, without the authorization of the Director, and to give paid lessons.

They must refrain absolutely from making public any assessment of the Académie's competitions and examinations and, more generally, of its operations.

Teachers are required to attend class meetings. Any absence must be justified to the Headmaster.

Teachers are expected to observe the rules of courtesy and discipline at all times.


Article 9

The administrative team reports to the Director, both for its timetable and its missions.


Article 10

Within the classical, early music, jazz and contemporary amplified music sections, the teaching provided by the Académie Rainier III focuses on :

- Musical training and culture: learning the codes specific to musical languages, deciphering through vocal and instrumental practice, analysis, history of music, writing and orchestration;

- Instrumental and vocal training: keyboards, strings, winds, percussion, singing, combo;

- Group practice: chamber music, vocal ensemble, orchestra;

- Theater training;

- Training in violin-making techniques;

- Any discipline related to the Academy's artistic training missions;

- Training in Amplified Live Music.

Article 11

In addition to the "traditional curriculum" taught outside school hours, the Académie offers :

- a musical section of classes à horaires aménagés in collaboration with the Direction de l'Education Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports, where lessons take place during pupils' school time;

- an "extra-curricular" year, accessible by special dispensation granted by the Director, on specific, reasoned request, possibly renewable depending on available places. Students benefiting from an "Hors cursus" are not authorized to sit the end-of-year exams, and cannot claim any diploma. Face-to-face teaching per discipline is limited to half an hour per week. They are required to take part in ensemble classes.

- An "Adult" course: non-degree-granting, 30-minute weekly instrumental course, music training and group practice compulsory. Auditions are held at the end of the year by a specialized jury, who can issue a "level attestation" on request.

This pathway is designed for students whose age no longer allows them to join the traditional curriculum leading to a diploma.

Article 12

The creation or maintenance of a class and/or collective discipline is conditional upon the presence of at least three (3) students. Should this not be the case, the Director may decide to suspend or cancel the class.

Article 13

The course of study is divided into Cycles. The establishment of a diploma or syllabus may be created for the specific needs of the Principality of Monaco by the School project (it derives from the School project which defines the major orientations of the Académie Rainier III, over a period of five years, and from the pedagogical regulations of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication).

- Music studies

In order to provide young students with a more complete musical education, an introduction to music is offered:

- Initiation - CP

- The 1st Cycle (from CE1) lasts a minimum of three (3) years and a maximum of five (5) years, enabling students to acquire the basic elements of musical language.

Cycle duration: 3 to 5 years, leading to a Cycle I certificate.

- The 2nd Cycle, lasting a minimum of three (3) years and a maximum of five (5) years, during which the student develops his or her repertoire, opens up to other languages and is introduced to group practice, perfecting technique, diversifying repertoires and languages, and intensifying ensemble music. At the end of this training, the student validates a 2nd cycle Brevet d'Etudes Musicales and can access either the 3rd amateur cycle, or through a competitive examination, the specialized 3rd cycle.

The length of study in the cycle may vary according to the student's progress and with the approval of the teacher and Director.

Cycle duration: 3 to 5 years, leading to a 2nd cycle diploma.

- The 3rd amateur cycle aims to train good amateur musicians who, after completing their studies, are able to pursue their musical practice independently, and to join various ensemble structures.

Cycle duration: 2 to 4 years maximum, leading to a Certificate of Musical Studies (CEM).

During the 3rd amateur cycle, students can take part in the competitive entrance examination for the 3rd Specialized Cycle.

Cycle duration: 2 to 4 years maximum (personal project), leading to a Certificate of Musical Studies (CEM).

- The Specialization Cycle is designed for students planning a pre-professional career. In addition to high-level instrumental training, this cycle is designed to prepare these students for access to higher training by providing them with a broad musical culture and solid experience of ensemble music.

Cycle length: 2 to 4 years, leading to a Diplôme d'Etudes Musicales (DEM).

- The 4th Cycle, known as "perfectionnement", is designed for students wishing to prepare for competitive examinations.

Cycle duration: 3 years, leading to a Prix de Perfectionnement, depending on the student's work and progress.

- Theater studies

Following a discovery cycle (from age 10, starting with the 2025-2026 school year), which introduces students to the art of theater through various workshops, the initial curriculum is organized as follows:

- 1st Cycle (from age 15);

- A 2nd Cycle for basic training ;

- A 3rd Cycle for further training.

Course duration: 3 to 6 years, leading to a Certificate of Theatrical Studies (CET).

- Lutherie studies

From the age of 12, initial training in bowed instrument making techniques is offered as follows:

- The 1st Cycle introduces students to all the stages involved in making a violin, and all the tools required.

Cycle duration: 3 years maximum, leading to a 1st Cycle Certificate.

- The 2nd Cycle aims to empower the student, and includes instrumental initiation (strings) and musical training.

Cycle duration depends on the student's abilities and the number of hours attended (400 hours of training), leading to a Brevet de fin de Second Cycle.

At the end of the 2nd Cycle, two options are available:

- the 3rd Cycle corresponds to the realization of a personal project, and therefore responds to personalized requests.

Cycle duration: 4 years maximum, leading to a Certificate of Lutherie Studies.

- The Specialization Cycle prepares students to enter a school such as Mirecourt or Cremona.

Cycle length: 2 to 4 years, leading to a Diplôme d'Etudes de Lutherie.

To obtain an end-of-cycle certificate or diploma, students must have attended one or more of the complementary training courses defined in the School's project.

Article 14

Continuous assessment is carried out for all students in the form of a report card, issued every six months (traditional curriculum) or every three months (special timetables), detailing the technical, artistic and behavioral aspects of all courses taken.

This report card can be consulted periodically on the IMuse software "" on dates determined by the school's project.

Attendance at ensemble practice classes is compulsory for all students in instrumental and vocal classes, from the level determined by the Management. Each student is assigned by the teaching staff to one or more ensembles.

For all courses of study, students take part in class or departmental projects, in the form of auditions, concerts or master classes.

At the end of the school year, students enrolled at the end of the cycle are required to take part in examination sessions, which may take the form of public examinations (vocal or instrumental training and group practice) or closed examinations. These tests may include an interview to assess the degree of autonomy and verbalization of the students.

An external jury appointed by the Director evaluates the candidates' performance and awards the prizes.

Professors from the Académie Rainier III may be consulted on the student's musical curriculum in the event of a dispute during the jury's deliberations.

Examination results are announced at the end of the Jury's deliberations, by the President of the Jury and/or by posting, depending on the discipline.

Jury decisions are final.

Article 15

The distribution of prizes and the awarding of certificates and diplomas are organized at the end of the year exams.

However, special prizes are awarded at an official ceremony attended by invited personalities and Rainier III Academy teachers. Prizewinners are required to attend. In the event of unexcused absence, prize-winners do not receive their awards, which are retained by the Académie Rainier III. Diplomas for excused absentees are available at the Académie Rainier III secretariat for one (1) month after the start of the next school year.


Article 16

Students enrolled in the Académie Rainier III, in Monaco or France, in the CP class in the year of enrolment (Initiation) may be enrolled.

For enrolment in Cycle I instrumental and vocal training and for the following disciplines, the age limits for enrolment are, by way of indication :

- 11 years maximum for piano and violin classes ;

- 35 for singing, jazz and lutherie.

Notwithstanding the above provisions, exemptions may be granted by the Mayor and/or by the local Councillor responsible for the Rainier III Academy.


- Initiation: 1 year, possibility of 2nd year at the teacher's request (20min lessons).

Entry into Cycle I, or reorientation

- 1st cycle: 3 to 5 years. Examination required in 4th year. (30min class until 3rd year, then 45min in final year).

Diploma: end-of-cycle certificate

- 2nd cycle: 3 to 5 years. Examination required in 4th year. (45min class).

Diploma: Brevet de 2ème cycle (BEM).

Entry into 3rd amateur cycle, or possibility of entry into Cycle de Spécialisation.

- 3rd amateur cycle: 1 to 3 years. Examination compulsory in 3rd year (1h class).

Diploma: Certificat d'Etudes Musicales. UV de 3ème Cycle de Formation Musicale + UV de Musique de Chambre + UV d'érudition + Assiduité à la pratique collective.

End of studies, or competitive entrance exam to Cycle de Spécialisation (CSP).

- Specialized cycle: 2 to 3 years. Examination required in 2nd year.

Diploma: DEM. Compulsory subjects: 3rd Cycle Music Training + Chamber Music + Erudition + (choice of writing, history of music, MAO, Electroacoustics, History of Contemporary Music), and regular group practice.

- Advanced cycle : From 1 to 3 years, subject to approval by the Director.

Intended for students preparing for entrance examinations to the grandes écoles.

- Exceptional year: Students are authorized to lighten their curriculum for 1 year, and may be exempted from exams. This exemption, granted by the Director only, is valid for one year per cycle only, and must be justified (family, school or health problems).


The Parcours Adapté is offered to students with disabilities. Enrolment in the Parcours Adapté is requested by parents, on presentation of medical evidence. During a confidential, one-to-one meeting, a contract of objectives will be given to the parents so that together we can set the educational goals to be achieved:

- Offer a shared musical highlight.

- Encourage communication.

- Exercise mobility (motor skills, depending on the level of disability), musical gestures and imitation.

- Develop breathing.

- Improve behavior.

- Stimulate hearing, attention and concentration.

- Enrich vocabulary, prosody and expression.

- Stimulate imagination and mental representation.

- Establish and maintain relaxation.

- Exercise short- and medium-term memory.

The student undertakes to acquire the musical scores necessary for his or her training.

Article 17

A student's registration file includes :

- The enrolment or re-enrolment form ;

- Certificate(s) of nationality, residence and connection with the Principality;

- Certificate(s) of previous studies;

- Payment of administrative and tuition fees in accordance with the tariffs voted by the Communal Council;

- Any other document requested;

- In the case of alternating custody with special arrangements for authorizing the child to be collected from Rainier III Academy, a copy of the divorce decree.

All registrations are firm and final, and cannot be reimbursed for any reason whatsoever.

This list may be modified according to administrative requirements.

This complete file must be submitted within the prescribed deadlines, which are communicated to students as soon as they arrive at the Académie Rainier III to register or re-register on the "" website.

All information concerning the student and his/her family will be updated at the beginning of each school year and will be deleted from the computerized processing once the student has left the school.

Certificates of nationality, residence and connection with the Principality of Monaco provided at the time of enrolment, to prove a link with the Principality, will only be kept from one year to the next, in the event of re-enrolment.

It is particularly important that the enrolment form - or re-enrolment form - is filled in correctly, giving details of the student and their family, as well as the choice of subjects.

All changes of situation (telephone numbers, address, etc.) must be notified to the Académie Rainier III secretariat, which declines all responsibility for any incident arising from negligence in this respect.

Incomplete registration forms will not be processed.

Failure to pay administrative and tuition fees after two reminders from the Académie Rainier III secretariat may result in exclusion from the school's courses.

In the first year of enrolment, in relation to the cycles and degrees certified by attestations of previous studies, the Director, after consulting the teachers concerned (on the basis of an audition/test), may reclassify a student or propose to the Sub-Commission that he/she discontinue his/her studies if his/her level does not correspond to the requirements of the Académie Rainier III program.

Likewise, in order to ensure a cross-disciplinary approach, students can be reoriented on the basis of an aptitude and subject acquisition test.

For Classes à Horaires Aménagés, specific admission procedures are laid down in an agreement with the Direction de l'Education Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports. The Académie Rainier III conducts aptitude tests for entry to the Classe Préparatoire Musical in the Principality's Grande Section de Maternelle classes every March.

Students at the Académie Rainier III (either in the Special Timetable curriculum or in the Traditional curriculum) will be issued with name badges at the beginning of each school year, which will be given to them in person. The badge will be encoded with the student's timetable, as well as the information given by the legal guardian for authorization to go out. Pupils must sign in on arrival (to be counted in the gauge) and sign out on departure.

The front of the badge will show the student's surname, first name, date of birth and badge number. A green border indicates that parents have authorized the student to leave the school; a red border indicates that the student is not authorized to leave the school alone. This color code enables staff to visually identify in a matter of seconds who is authorized to leave and who is not.

Badges are issued free of charge at the beginning of the year. In the event of loss or theft, a new badge will be issued to the pupil, subject to a fee set by the local council.

Article 18

On enrolment at the Académie Rainier III, each student undertakes to comply with the present rules and regulations, and in particular with the provisions concerning all teaching and participation in public events. They are also deemed to have read and understood the pedagogical regulations, particularly those concerning the curriculum. Parents or legal guardians make the same commitment for their child(ren).

Students must show respect for all those who, in any capacity whatsoever, are responsible for training or supervising them.

They must respect the instructions given to them orally or in writing by the Director, teachers and staff delegated for this purpose.

Students are responsible for the condition of the equipment and instruments provided by the Académie Rainier III, as well as for the state of the premises.

Any damage caused must be repaired; the person responsible for the damage is always held financially liable.

Article 19

Students must take care of the scores and methods loaned by the Académie Rainier III.

The library of the Académie Rainier III is authorized to make short-term loans of musical scores to students who request them, subject to the availability of these documents.

The management of the Académie Rainier III declines all responsibility for any person using illegal photocopies.

Article 20

All students enrolled in an instrumental discipline must have an instrument. The Académie Rainier III may offer to rent an instrument, subject to availability.

Pupils are responsible for any instruments made available to them, and for their regular upkeep.

At the teacher's request and subject to availability, the Académie Rainier III's rental instruments are given priority to beginners. They are then offered a rental contract. In all cases, from Cycle II onwards, students must have acquired their own instrument.

A fee will be charged according to the value of the instrument rented.

The instrument is allocated on signature of the contract, delivered in working order in its case and with its accessories. The borrower must have the instrument serviced, at his/her own expense, before returning it, or at the request of the teacher. The instrument must be returned in good working order.

Routine maintenance of a rented instrument is the responsibility of the borrower.

The specific insurance policies offered by the Académie Rainier III enable everyone to protect themselves against the risk of damage, for which the borrower is responsible. This insurance is compulsory for the entire rental period.

The Académie Rainier III's rental instruments are regularly maintained. Repairs due to obsolescence are the responsibility of the Académie Rainier III. However, a contribution to maintenance costs may be requested from borrowers for certain instruments (this detail being specified at the time of rental).

In the event of damage, repairs are the responsibility of the borrower.

It is strictly forbidden to repair an instrument yourself and/or to have it repaired without the agreement of the Management of the Académie Rainier III and the expertise of the referent teacher.

In the event of loss, theft or serious deterioration due to negligence or poor maintenance on the part of the borrower, the latter must replace the instrument and/or accessories and case with another of the same value, or reimburse it at the current price. A valid certificate of civil liability (current school year) is required at the start of each school year.

The rental contract is for one school year. Parents undertake to return the instrument by September 30 of the following year (by appointment). The same instrument may not be kept for more than five (5) consecutive years (corresponding to the maximum duration of a cycle) by the same student.

In order to lighten the daily burden on students and make it easier for them to travel to and from school, the Académie Rainier III provides a storage area for their instruments. Please note that the Académie Rainier III accepts no responsibility for any damage or theft.

Article 21

A correspondence notebook is given to each minor student upon enrolment.

This notebook enables parents to keep track of their child's work, and to ensure that he/she fulfills his/her school obligations.

Any observations made by teachers or the Académie Rainier III administration are signed as they are made. Parents are therefore asked to consult it regularly.

Parents can meet members of their child's educational team at meetings organized for this purpose.

The correspondence book serves as an intermediary for appointment requests, whether from parents, teachers or any member of the Académie Rainier III.

All communication with teachers must take place via their professional e-mail addresses, provided at the start of each school year.

Parents and students can also communicate with teachers via the digital communication space set up by the Académie Rainier III.

All other means of communication (internet, cell phone: sms; WhatsApp, social networks...) between the Académie's teaching and administrative staff and parents, students and minors are strictly prohibited, on pain of application of the sanctions referred to in article 30 of the present internal regulations.

Anyone wishing to make an appointment can do so by calling the Rainier III Academy secretariat on

Article 22

It is strictly forbidden for any person other than students, teachers and administrative staff of the Académie Rainier III to enter the premises of the Académie Rainier III without authorization from the Management.

Any visitor who does not demonstrate a courteous and respectful attitude towards other people or the Académie Rainier III may be denied access to the Académie premises by the Management.

Any intrusion likely to disturb the peace or good order of the establishment is punishable by law and will give rise to a complaint.

Article 23

Any major dispute between a student and one of his or her teachers will be referred to the Director.

Any change of teacher must be requested in writing and approved by the Headmaster and the Pedagogy Department, except in exceptional circumstances, when the request must be made before the June Class Council meeting.

All requests concerning school life, absences and schedule changes must be made between parents and the Rainier III Academy secretariat via the correspondence book.

Article 24

Pupils must attend classes and activities punctually, assiduously and effectively.

Pupils absent for reasons of personal convenience (vacations, lack of attendance, etc.) or because of transplanted classes (green or white classes) will not be entitled to a make-up session before an Examination Board at the end of the school year.

On the other hand, any absence that is medically justified may give rise to a later make-up session.

Students must switch off or mute their cell phones before entering the school.

They must correctly and regularly carry out at home all the tasks that these courses and activities entail.

They must respect course start and end times: any late arrival must be justified.

Attendance is checked at each class.

All duly justified absences of minors must be justified in writing by their parents or legal guardians.

Any unjustified absence by a minor will result in an absence notice being sent.

Except in the case of a duly attested medical reason, three (3) consecutive absences will result in a meeting with the Management, who will decide whether or not the student's continued attendance at the Académie Rainier III is warranted.

Information on student absences is deleted at the end of each school year.

Students may not leave the school without authorization before the end of class. All requests for early departure must be addressed to the school management. It must be dated, justified and signed by the parents or, in the case of minors, by the legal guardian. Authorization to leave the school will be granted by the school management if the request is deemed justified.

Parents are not admitted to the school or classrooms, unless invited by their child's teacher. For new students taking up an instrumental discipline, parents may be authorized to attend instrumental classes, with the agreement of the teacher and subject to the building's capacity, from the start of the school year until the Christmas vacations.

Students attending the Académie Rainier III may not be admitted to the school in the event of contagious diseases, as defined by current regulations. They are also required to comply with the preventive hygiene measures posted on the premises.

Article 25

Pupils are expected to behave in a manner befitting community life, respecting all Academy staff, other pupils and their families.

Respect for others includes polite attitudes and language, and the rejection of all forms of violence. It implies strict compliance with the directives and instructions given by teachers and educational staff.

Any form of harassment, violence, repeated aggression or cyberbullying will be subject to disciplinary action.

Article 26

It is forbidden to eat in classrooms.

It is forbidden to play violent or dangerous games.

It is expressly recommended that students maintain the school premises they occupy, as well as the furniture, equipment and various facilities made available to them, in a good state of repair.

They are held responsible for any deliberate damage, the cost of which will be charged to them and, in the case of minors, to their families.

Any damage necessarily implies responsibility on the part of the perpetrator and compensation for the damage caused.

In addition, any act of depredation, violence, theft, personal injury or damage to property may result in immediate expulsion from the premises, regardless of legal action. The Director will inform the Secretary General of the Town Hall as soon as possible.

Article 27

Public activities organized by the Académie Rainier III for educational and entertainment purposes, in consultation with the teachers, are compulsory for the pupils concerned. Pupils are invited to attend auditions given by other pupils.

When public events are organized outside the Académie Rainier III and the organizer does not arrange for participants to be transported collectively, they must travel to the rehearsal and performance venues at their own expense and under their own responsibility. In all circumstances, students are required to respect the arrangements made by the Académie Rainier III.

Article 28

A number of studios are available to students of the Académie Rainier III.

If a student wishes to be accompanied by an external person in order to work there, he/she must request authorization in writing from the Director. The student will be considered solely responsible for the premises used and any damage caused.

Access to a studio is controlled by the reception staff, who keep a register of occupancy. The normal duration of use is 2 hours, and may be extended if no other request is made.

Depending on demand, priority will be given to students in special-education classes when they arrive at the Académie Rainier III before 5.30pm.

Article 29

In view of their dangerous nature, machines and tools specifically designed for violin making cannot be used without supervision. The teacher is responsible for their proper use.

Article 30

Pupils may, after requesting the Director's authorization, perform in artistic events outside the Académie Rainier III, provided that these do not interfere in any way with the normal progress of their musical studies. The Director may require or refuse them to make express mention of their status as students of the Académie Rainier III.

Article 31

Disciplinary sanctions may result from failure to observe the provisions of the present regulations or from unpleasant behavior towards a teacher, supervisor, member of staff, class or individual student.

They are issued by the teacher or the school management for work that has not been completed, lack of attention during lessons or any other circumstance that interferes with the smooth running of the class.

They are :

- First: an oral observation;

- Second: a written remark in the homework notebook or by correspondence;

- Third: a written warning from the Director.

Following a warning, the Disciplinary Board composed of :

- The Chairman of the Sub-Committee

- The Director of the Académie Rainier III

- The Head of Studies (who may be replaced by the Pedagogical Coordinator of the Department concerned)

Can pronounce a temporary exclusion (lasting more than 48 hours and up to a maximum of one month) or a permanent exclusion.

Decisions are taken by majority vote, with the Director of Académie Rainier III casting the deciding vote.

Sanctions are recorded in the student's file.

No sanction may be pronounced without the student having been invited to present his or her explanations.

Students summoned to appear before the Disciplinary Board may be accompanied, if they are minors, by their parents, their legal representative or the person who has actual custody of them. They may be assisted by a person of their choice.

Article 32

All users of the premises must comply with safety instructions.

The building is under video surveillance.

Pursuant to Ministerial Order n°2018-1079 dated November 21, 2018, concerning regulations on general safety principles against the risks of fire and panic in buildings, the Académie Rainier III has a special safety plan (PPMS) which sets out the emergency protocols to be followed in the event of an earthquake, containment alert or fire, and organizes evacuation and safety drills.

Article 33

The Académie Rainier III is responsible for all students present during school hours. For safety reasons, parents are asked to :

- Accompany their young children to the school gates;

- Consult the information on the website or on the reception screens;

- To keep an eye on the e-mails sent by the Rainier III Academy Secretariat in the event of a teacher's absence;

- To take all necessary steps to ensure that their children are transported to and from school on time, as the school is unable to supervise pupils before and after classes.

Pupils in special time classes, under the authority of the Direction de l'Education Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports, are the responsibility of the Académie Rainier III from the moment they enter the school.

Children are under the responsibility of their parents, legal guardians, or the person who effectively assumes custody of them, before they enter the establishment and as soon as they leave it.

Only children duly authorized by their parents may leave the school in the event of an unscheduled cancellation of the last class.

Article 34

Any action or discussion relating to politics, religion or any form of discrimination is forbidden within the Académie Rainier III.

Article 35

Nominative information collected by Académie Rainier III staff is processed automatically for the respective purposes of "the administrative management of the Académie, the management of Académie students and the management of the Académie's documentary collection and instrument loans" and "the management of physical access to the Académie Rainier III by badge".

These data are neither transferred nor accessible, with the exception of duly authorized administrative and teaching staff.

As the Académie Rainier III is under video surveillance, personal data collected by Académie Rainier III staff and by the Town Hall's Security Manager through the capture of images from the video surveillance system are processed automatically for the purpose of the "Académie Rainier III video surveillance system". This data can only be accessed by duly authorized Académie Rainier III personnel, by the security manager and by the Direction de la Sûreté Publique on presentation of a letter rogatory. The data is kept for 30 days from the date of recording.

In accordance with Law no. 1.165 of December 23, 1993, as amended, regulating the protection of personal information, all persons concerned have the right to access and delete their personal information upon written request by e-mail to or by post:

Data Protection Officer (D.P.O.)

IT Department

3, rue Philibert Florence

98000 MONACO

The present regulations were approved by the Administrative Commission on July 15, 2024 and validated by the Communal Council on September 10, 2024.