L'Heure espagnole & L'Enfant et les Sortilèges
- Friday March 21 | 20H(Gala, Centenary of the premiere of L'Enfant et les sortilèges)
- Sunday March 23 | 15H
- Tuesday, March 25 | 20H
- Thursday, March 27 | 20H
In collaboration with the Opéra de Monte-Carlo,
This Ravel double bill for March 2025 marks the 100th anniversary, to the day, of the world premiere of L'Enfant et les Sortilèges on the stage of the Opéra de Monte-Carlo. Bruno Habert's students from the Chœur d'Enfants de l'Académie Rainier III will have the unique opportunity to take part in this magnificent production, conducted by Opéra Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo conductor Kazuki Yamada and directed by Jean-Louis Grinda.
Musical Direction | Kazuki Yamada
Stage Direction | Jean-Louis Grinda
Sets and Costumes | Rudy Sabounghi
Lighting | Laurent Castaingt
Choreography | Eugénie Andrin
Choirmaster | Stefano Visconti
Videos | Jérôme Noguera, Micha Vanony
Assistant director | Vanessa d'Ayral de Sérignac
David Zobel
• L'Heure espagnole
Musical comedy (opera) in one act and 21 scenes
Music by Maurice Ravel (1875-1937)
Poem by Franc-Nohain (Maurice Étienne Legrand) based on his comedy of the same name (1904)
Premiere: Paris, Opéra-Comique, May 19, 1911
Concepción | Gaëlle Arquez
Gonzalve | Cyrille Dubois
Torquemada | Vincent Ordonneau
Ramiro | Florian Sempey
Don Inigo Gomez | Matthieu Lécroart
Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra
• L'Enfant et les Sortilèges
Lyric fantasy in two parts
Music by Maurice Ravel (1875-1937)
Libretto by Colette
Premiere: Monte-Carlo, Théâtre de l'Opéra, March 21, 1925
Coproduction with Opéra de Tours, Opéra Grand Avignon and Opéra royal de Wallonie
150th anniversary of Maurice Ravel's birth
The Child | Gaëlle Arquez
Sa Mère | Axelle Saint-Cirel
La Bergère, La Chouette | Julie Nemer
La Tasse Chinoise, La Libellule, Un Pâtre | Floriane Hasler
Le Feu, La Princesse, Le Rossignol | Florie Valiquette
L'horloge Comtoise, Le Chat | Florian Sempey
La Chauve-Souris, Une Pastourelle | Jennifer Courcier
La Chatte, L'écureuil | Cécile Madelin
Le Fauteuil, L'arbre | Matthieu Lécroart
La Théière, Le Petit Vieillard Arithmétique, La Rainette | Cyrille Dubois
Monte-Carlo Opera Chorus
Monte-Carlo Philharmonic Orchestra
Academy Rainier III Children's Choir
Discover all the information about this event on the official website of the Opéra de Monte-Carlo, accessible below.
Official website | opera.mc