Jazz concert
1 Bd Albert 1er | 98000 Monaco
In collaboration with the Festival Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo,
Concert organized by the Festival Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo,
Guest of honor, pianist Hervé Sellin revisits the works of Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel through his unique jazz.
From the magic of a Clair de lune to his arrival at the Jardin féérique, he embarks on a stroll, accompanied by his trumpeter friend Claude Égéa.
With the participation of students from the piano department of the Académie Rainier III: Matisse Jones, Ruben Orsini and Maya Sardi.
Approximate concert duration | 1h10
Free admission for all students, accompanying adults (one child per adult), teachers and administrative staff of the Académie Rainier III.
Ticket reservations should be made by e-mail to academie@mairie.mc , indicating :
- Surname/First name
- Number of seats required
Please inform us of any cancellations at the same address.
Tel | + 377 93 15 28 91
Mail | academie@mairie.mc
Discover all the information about the festival on the official website of the Festival Printemps des Arts de Monte-Carlo, accessible below.
Official website | printempsdesarts.mc