
Theater classes are given at the Foyer Sainte Dévote sur le Rocher at this address:

3, rue Philibert Florence | 98000 MONACO


ages 8 to 11

Divided into groups according to age, to better adapt to the maturity of each student, the early-learning class is organized around playful exercises that bring into play imagination, concentration, the voice, the body in space and the relationship with the gaze of others. Our main objective is to discover the world of theater through practice, by exploring the physical components of the actor. Imagination is always called upon to facilitate entry into the exercises. Over the course of the year, we go through the different parameters of non-verbal communication (body, space, gaze...) to arrive at work with text.


ages 12 to 14

As with the Eveil course, the Découverte course is organized around playful exercises involving imagination, concentration, listening, the voice, the body in space and the relationship with the gaze of others. The aim is to encourage the child's potential for expression through play, and to make him/her aware of the means by which this can be achieved (body, voice, space, imagination...). In the discovery class, students begin to discover different forms of writing. Collective and choral work is favored to sharpen group awareness. This collective performance work is presented at the end of the year.

Cycle I

from age 15

This cycle introduces students to the demands of the theatrical body. Each session begins with physical and vocal training, games and improvisations. Throughout the year, we work on the discovery of acting and the theatrical repertoire. Our work questions acting, presence, embodiment, addressing the other, building a relationship within a dramaturgy, and the imaginary. Through exercises, improvisations and collective and individual experimentation with different scenes or themes, we open up the paths that lead to the pleasure of theater through acting. During the second semester, we prepare a collective project, which culminates in a public performance at the end of the year.

Cycle II

This is the commitment cycle. It's about deepening the basics and taking the first step towards autonomy in one's artistic practice. In Cycle 2, the link between text analysis and stage practice becomes more clearly defined. As in Cycle 1, each session begins with physical and vocal training, games and improvisations. Particular emphasis is placed on movement, with its relationship to rhythm and space, and the laws of movement that organize every theatrical situation: how to find the right poetic gesture? Our group-based teaching approach aims to awaken students' individual creative processes. Group classes place students in a relationship with performance, enabling them to approach the actor's art in its entirety. We aim to create a troupe spirit. However, students may be asked to work on a personal project during the year. This more individual work is a time for students to take the initiative in the forms they wish to work on, with the help of their teacher and possibly the collaboration of other students. A supervised group project is also launched during the year. This involves group work on a play, an author or a theme, with a public performance at the Théâtre Princesse Grâce at the end of the year. During the year, a Master Class with an external speaker is proposed, as well as, if possible, meetings with actors from the current theatrical scene.

Cycle III

The aim is to build on what has already been learned and move towards autonomy in theatrical practice. Students prepare for their CET (Certificat d'Etudes Théâtrales), which requires them to develop a personal project, either on their own or as part of a group, highlighting their own world. They must reveal their aesthetic choices. Cycle 3 is also intended to be a continuation of the work of the first two cycles, with the aim of perfecting each student's performing skills.


If you have any questions, please contact